Sunday, December 16, 2007

Holiday decoration theft(s)


We had reports this weekend about holiday decoration thefts. At least two. A family's holiday decoration being taken from their front yard. A large, 8-foot tall inflatable Tigger was taken from the home on Legacy Blvd sometime during Friday/Saturday night, and the family with three young children awoke to find it stolen. Another report is that a large Bear figure was stolen during the night between 8 p.m. and 12 a.m.

A few people had noticed at least two strucks suspiciously driving the streets last night, though that may or may not be connected. They apparently would slowly drive along, stop in front of a house, and park there briefly with lights out before creeping along to another house. One was a black truck that could resemble one seen during an October theft of two air conditioning units along Legacy. The second, a red truck, turned out to be some individuals looking for the house of resident they knew. However, two young girls who were home alone observed this black truck, and were worried enough to contact the police about it. Please be aware of this and keep your eyes open.

If a theft happens, PLEASE CONTACT THE GREENWOOD POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRST. The dispatch number is (317) 881-2518. Then, alert your neighbors and anyone on the Neighborhood Watch List so that we can help keep crime to a minimum.

Please also let your neighbors know your schedule during the holidays so if you are out of town, we can remain vigilant of your property and our neighborhood! Anyonelse who had anything taken last night, please let the police and your Neighborhood Watch Block Captain or Coordinator know.

We also hope that whomeover took the Tigger will return this decoration - please don't ruin a family's holiday celebration. Just return it - please.

Another note: with the winter weather and snow, please be mindful of your street parking. Snow plows can only do a good job in the areas they can get to. In this weather, please limit your street parking so they can do their jobs effectly. Thanks.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Let's hope Chris, Angela, and Brian are wrong, but it looks like we're in for some snow this weekend. Be prepared and help your neighbors be prepared. Snow will be plowed on the roads by HUP once it's 2 inches deep and at regular intervals. The city will plow ... well, whenever they get to it, though it appears that Legacy and Heartland are going to be first plowed. 

Driveways and sidewalks do need to be maintained, but we will not be monitoring. It's your responsibility as a homeowner to make both passable. If anyone has kids who are out looking for pocket money or knows of someone who's shoveling or plowing, let me know and I'll get contact numbers up on the blog in updates.

Please be aware of neighbors who, for whatever reason, cannot shovel/plow themselves. If you have an empty house next to you, this applies as well. Good luck and good sledding!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Neighborhood Watch

Welcome to your friendly neighborhood blog! This is your Neighborhood Watch Coordinator speaking, and I'll be taking you on a tour of what we've got to offer as part of our community initiative. To date, we have dozens of residents participating in the NW effort, if nothing more than just taking part in a community email loop to keep updated on news and happenings. Let us know if you you are a Homecoming resident, aren't on that email list, and want to be!

Participation varies, from those who serve as Block Captains and act as the point-person for their respective area/street in the community, to those who simply keep an eye on the neighborhood and stay atuned of what's happening here. Everyone plays an important and and needed part.

We work closely with the Greenwood Police Department in keeping our community safe, getting such things such as regular patrols and most recently an electronic speed-monitor trailer that helped slow some drivers down. We are trying to get the message out to potential criminals that this isn't a neighborhood to come to - we're constantly watching and will report anything suspicious to the police. Currently, we are in the process of getting NW street signs for our community, more speed limit signs on various streets, and are in the throws of getting NW decals out to residents to post on their windows.

We also have a Pet Awareness Program to keep track of neighborhood pets and, in the event one escapes and is seen in the community, we can try to track down that owner and reunite the owner and pet. We have a few success stories to share on that front in the past year!

Lastly, we need your help! A Neighborhood Watch is only as effective as the people who participate make it. We have many watchful neighbors, but need to make sure everyone who wants to be involved has that opportunity. Get us your contact information, if nothing more than just an email address so that we can make sure you stay updated on community news, crime alerts, upcoming events, and pertinent issues that affect you as a property owner.

Michael Hoskins, Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Hearthside Drive

Friday, December 7, 2007

Open House (12/8/07)

What's the best way to warm up on a cold weekend morning?

Ok, the second best way? Third?

All good answers, but I'd suggest also checking out the Open House at the Homecoming Clubhouse. It will go from 10am to 2pm. Bring an unwrapped toy or canned good and you'll get some yummy treats for your self and won't you feel warm inside for having done some good?

Kudos to the Women's Club for organizing this. See you all there!


Greetings residents --

This blog has been set up to give out information regarding the Homecoming at University Park community, located in Greenwood, Indiana. Information here will be of interest mostly to current and prospective residents. Expect to see regular updates regarding current status, community issues, and events.

Snow: I've received a couple calls about snow removal. Our plowing contract calls for snow to be removed only after a 2" accumulation. That plowing covers roads only - not driveways. The city will be plowing as well on their schedule. It appears that they will plow Legacy first. If anyone has recommendations on snow removal companies for driveways and walkways, feel free to send them to me and I will share. I'm sure there's some industrious kids with shovels as well!

Garage doors: Please be careful with leaving garage doors open. With crime always a concern, leaving your door open or "cracked" gives thieves an easy access point. It's also not an attractive look; I know mine's a mess!

Holiday Lights: There's no single articulate community standard on holiday lights. Please use common sense on these and be sure to turn them off at a reasonable hour to avoid blinding your neighbors and burning unnecessary power. Many have asked about the "Christmas Trees" in front of the park - that was done by Greenwood Parks and we have no control over those lights. Please be considerate of people who may not share your beliefs -- I do not think celebrations should offend anyone. Oh and Happy Hannukah!

Be sure to bookmark this blog and check for regular updates. I'll try and set up an RSS feed.

-- Will Carroll, Homecoming at University Park HOA President