Thursday, December 13, 2007


Let's hope Chris, Angela, and Brian are wrong, but it looks like we're in for some snow this weekend. Be prepared and help your neighbors be prepared. Snow will be plowed on the roads by HUP once it's 2 inches deep and at regular intervals. The city will plow ... well, whenever they get to it, though it appears that Legacy and Heartland are going to be first plowed. 

Driveways and sidewalks do need to be maintained, but we will not be monitoring. It's your responsibility as a homeowner to make both passable. If anyone has kids who are out looking for pocket money or knows of someone who's shoveling or plowing, let me know and I'll get contact numbers up on the blog in updates.

Please be aware of neighbors who, for whatever reason, cannot shovel/plow themselves. If you have an empty house next to you, this applies as well. Good luck and good sledding!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Residents- One thing to please keep in mind during snowy weather: Please don't park in the streets. This complicates plowing, meaning the streets will be not be adequately plowed in places as they'll have to navigate around street-parked vehicles. Please try to move them during this kind of weather. Thanks.